As Dad and I have been here in California, we have to wait on things before we can do some things,and when you come geared to do, you have to re adjust your plans and wait!
Sometimes this is not the easiest thing to do.
There are things that just are out of our control and we have to wait!
In our waiting this is when the Lord wants to Show us much, Teach us much, Grow us much, if we are willing to let Him.
In our finite minds we see the "here and now",what I need to do! what needs to be done,etc
We can get anxious, in a hurry, impatient,----questioning the Lord, don't you see the urgency in our situation? Hummmmmmmmmmmmmm
Funny how we get all bent out of shape and think we can deal and handle the things at hand better than the One who made us! Hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!
We have all been there and we can stay here if we "do not trust" "our Lord and Savior" at what He says he will do!
As I was reading His word He reveals Himself more and more-----My God is always working on our behalf, always---------
We just don't see what our Father in Heaven sees! He sits from His throne room High above the heavens and see's everything from the beginning to the end of our Lives!
If Dad and I start pushing and prodding and going in every direction trying to make things happen we end up in a heap of Dung, stink, Pile!
Then we would have to ask ourselves do we have trust issues? Or are we just very impatient and don't like the Lord's timeline?
Either or we can make a huge mess of things and walk outside of the "Lords will" real fast.
God's word is so clear about waiting upon Him. His way------------or-----------------Suffer! Pretty clear...
Psalms 27:14-31:14-37:34-40:1-62:5-130:5 Is 25:9 -8:17 Lam 3:25 Hab 2:3
My Holy God has never Lied to me yet-----nor has He ever abandoned me,
"if we are "outside of His will" it will definitely feel like He has, or if we have lost sight of His promises we can feel like He is not concerned about our troubles-----------
Our trials and testings may seem over whelming and so heavy-- out of control--
But waiting upon the Lord is a time Our God will use this time of waiting to
Refresh us----Renew Us-----Teach us much----grow us, our need for Him----a time of Humbling ourselves before a Holy God!
an incredible need to understand "WHO WE SERVE" A Mighty Big God" Father tells us to have courage,be strong,be brave,and wait patiently upon Him----------Putting all our trust in Him and Him alone, for their is no one like Him!
My Father Lifts us out of despair, He plants our feet in His solid ground, He steady's us in our walk with Him, He Puts a new song in our hearts. Dad and I know that going through these trials ,testings,circumstances,will grow our relationship in Christ Jesus, trusting Him more, believing Him at His word, there is a blessing waiting at the end of all this,-------------it's not always what our flesh desires but what the Lord knows is best for us. I do know that His ways and Plans have been so mush better than what we ever could expect for ourselves. It's always the "unknown that can trip us up". Our part is keeping our Eyes on the author and Perfecter of our lives--------------"Yeshua Messiah God Almighty"
Let all that we are, wait Quietly before our Lord Jesus Christ, for our hope is in you and you alone!
When we rest in our Almighty Father God "Nothing can Shake Us" What "can't be shaken can't be moved"
O we may get caught off guard----Blind-sided, But we get focused back on Jesus! He is in control.
We belong to Our Father in Heaven, He holds our right hand,He guides us with His perfect counsel through His Word and Prayer, who do we have in Heaven But Our Lord Jesus Christ, we desire Jesus more than anything on this earth, Our health may fail us our strength may grow weary,
Our God remains the Strength of our Heart forever.He is our security.He is who we cling to. We count on our Lord Jesus.
We pray for the Lord's Strength to help us rely on His timing in all the areas of our life, My Lord promises to be with us through all of our troubles.
My Prayer is that during these times of our lives the Lord grows us up Maturing us in Christ Jesus, as He refines and purifies each area he reveals we need to give over to Him.
He is teaching us much showing His great love and patience through it all.
We see Our Lords sweet, generous, compassionate kindness all over us each day that he allows us to wake, and Glorify Him.
He has given us the privilege that we should be called children of God through His Son Jesus Christ, For his Spirit joins with our spirit to affirm that we are God's children.His Holy Spirit lives in us leading, guiding, teaching,convicting,humbling us, His mercy leads us to repentance when we step out of alignment, I thank Our Lord for his long suffering and patience with us.
I get excited when I can Iron sharpen Iron with those who's hearts are so in Love with Jesus they can't help but share what the Lord is doing in their life and tell of His mighty works,and go to His word and see him validate our conversations through e-mail or a phone call.
Because of "Who you are" we give you Glory O Heavenly Father--------Because of "Who you are" we give you praise---because of "Who you are" we will lift our Hands and sing------Lord we worship you because of Who you are.
Lord Bless abundantly all your saints for lifting us up before you in prayer.
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