Saturday, October 5, 2013

Oct 4th 2009 4 years ago, Dad was Diagnosed with and inoperable brain tumor

We Praise Our Lord Jesus for these last 4 years  since Dad's Diagnosis. 
In and through them we have been stretched,stretched,and stretched some more, with good days, hard days, struggles,disappointments, frustrations,sorrow, tested ,tried, refined,tested, tried, refined and more than these, 
continually encouraged in our walk and relationship with Jesus  looking at His greatness and what it really means to follow Jesus on a day-by-day basis.
Who we truly Depend on greatly, 
Who we put all our Trust in, 
Who we seek first, And 
Who we put all of our Faith In,
 Our God has never left us ,forsaken us, 
Oh How He has always been faithful to us, fully trust worthy, incredibly kind, beyond generous, always gentle,very patient,

even" in spite of our faithlessness"  
even" in spite of our lack of trusting Him fully" 
even "in spite of our not fully depending " on Him 

Jesus knows the way  we will take; 
when he has tried us,--- we pray  we come out as gold. So that our faith is tested genuine—
He gets all the Glory
No matter what our trial,circumstance, struggle, affliction, hardship, suffering, stubbornness, pride fullness,insecurities,uncertainties. He's still in control!

Each day we understand a little more---The call on our lives to follow Jesus is a summons to lose our life. 
"Jesus is more than a Savior who's just begging to be accepted into our hearts". 
"He is a King worthy of infinite adoration and surrender of our lives".
when we come face to face with grace, the God of the universe reaches down in the depths of our souls, forgives our sins, and fills us with his Spirit.
The inner transformation that happens when we're forgiven of our sins and  filled with the Spirit of God. 
Should cause us to think differently. We begin to desire differently. We begin to want what God wants. We begin to live differently. And that's a good thing, because we believe Jesus knows what's best for our life. He Is God-------We should become more intentional about sharing the gospel with people who don't know Christ.
I know where we live is our mission field, some one once said ,
"{persecution only comes with proclamation}", 
I know this, I've not yet been thrown in jail, or stoned,but {'Christ has been rejected"}!

Our God has proven Himself to us daily by His presence on and in our life, we wake up, He gives us breath,  ---  He answers every prayer------we choose not to "diminish" His goodness, His All mightiness, His Beauty, His Greatness, His Holiness, His Living active power upon our lives. Or His testings.

As we apply our thoughts to truths that we know, truths that are given to us in His Word 
 We fill up our minds with Holy Scripture which renews our mind.
And we begin to apply His instructions on our heart and walk them out.
This is a process that will continue till we see Jesus face to face,

I pray for Dad and I we see God's Biblical perspective, more than a worldly perspective, this takes surrender of our will, letting go of things that are more worldly than Biblical.
It's not an easy road to walk, but it is the only walk  we choose In Christ Jesus.
It takes honesty,vulnerability,humility to admit we may have issues here, and yet this is a choice we make to lay down. 
In His Kindness it leads us to Repentance.

We don't have all the details of the what's, how, where, when, we do know "who" we follow. 
We have no greater friend than Jesus.

Dad is having daily struggles, the reality of His Brain Tumor is showing the effects in his body. God is still in Control

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