Monday, March 2, 2015

Oncology Appt:

Today we went to see the Dr,
We went before the Lord asking some specific requests,
hesitant because of our last visit with the Dr.
It turns out that when we got there the Dr had missed his flight to the Island.

Not a problem because we were able to talk with him over the computer,( like skype.)

As we waited in the waiting room we were able to talk to the receptionist Tina,
she set us up to speak with the Dr,
The Nurse came out and got us her name is also Tina,
Ok this is what is so beautiful about this day the Lord has given us,
He planned this day,
He allowed Dr Andrew to miss his flight, only the Lord knows these things,
so after all Dads vitals were taken, on goes the screen and Dr is on tv----------
He says his hellos, we say ours,
Tina the nurse stays in the room which is a first!!!!!! taking notes,
How are you doing?
Really Good.Feeling good, left side is coming back,able to do more than I had been,
What can I do for you today?
Well as you know we are reducing my morphine intake from 240mg- now to 60mg and would like to know how to continue this to completely come off!
You'll be the better judge of this beings your body will feel the pain! so come off slowly, and if the pain comes back, take your pills, you may be uncomfortable for a few'll know.....
Ok we just wanted to get your professional opinion before we go completely off.
Anything else?
Dad: yes I would like to get an MRI to see if this tumor is shrinking because I feel that I am being healed. I have my bowels back,my left side is coming back, I'm more cognitive, active,and feeling good each day
Why do you think this is?
Its the hand of the Lord upon me,and the power of God,and the prayers over me,it's miraculous!
Dad said what do you think it is?
Said, miraculous!!!!!! Power of Prayer!!!!!
You can have as many MRI's as you need,anything you need you do not to fear to ask me.
We said our goodbyes,and the Nurse was stunned!!!!!
She said she has never seen Dr Andrew Kominsky this way with any patient, Tina is a Believer in Christ Jesus,and shared with us Andrew is a "Jew"
We right then went into Prayer and praised our Lord God---------- all three us us-------------Lord Save this Man!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dad and I left there praising the Lord elated O God you have your appointed times and we Pray Andrew Kominsky's  heart be softened and your Holy Spirit take that heart of stone and give him a heart of flesh, O Father God only by your hand and your spirit can Andrew come into relationship with you.We prayed the Lord Protect him on his flight over here to the island.

The last time we saw Andrew Dad was in a Wheel chair weak,not walking,not coherent, not looking good.and we had asked for an MRI and Dr was not approving, too much money,not interested in monitoring it! He knew Dad's prognosis and said why???????

This Morning:
We asked the Lord specifically that we be able to get an MRI with out resistance-------------there was none,as a matter of fact get as many as you like!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And coming completely off the morphine because of the side effects, Dr Said Dad was past this as he is on such a low dosage.
All Glory to our Lord---------------------------
We are so Blessed to be Children of King Jesus, He has NEVER<NEVER failed us NEVER.......

We Continue to devote ourselves in prayer,being watchful, thanking our Lord for ALL things,
Praying the Lord would open a door for the message of His precious Son Christ Jesus would be shared,
Walking in His wisdom and grace toward those that are without His Spirit, O How I Continue to ask our Lord to never stop Changing us from the inside out,making us more like Himself,that in ALL we say and do "Jesus" is who people see"and are attracted too-----------------Not Ron and Sandie---------------

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