Monday, March 16, 2015

Pain, Pain, and more Pain

Today we face another day of pain,it seems the pain is starting to increase each day not giving relief.
There are days Mr C just doesn't seem to get relief...,
We had to cut his therapy short today for He had head pain and nausea,we had to leave.
The Only comfort that comes to Dad is rest, if his body will let him, he's been oftly tired these days
Some times I feel so helpless,nothing comforts him,the pain is constant,
pain level is 6-7 if not much "anxiousness",and does not know why it is over coming him,
When Dad describes his pain to me, he says it's like the top of his head is going to blow off!!!! That someone is pulling his eye out of his socket!!!!! His left side feels like it is being cut off!!!!!
It's tough watching someone you love suffer,I know the Lord is keeping me strong,or I would be a bloody mess-----------
Any more it's moment by moment------------Dad goes to the word to help him, finding scripture to comfort him.......Please Lord Jesus lift Dad up,Give Him rest from his anxiousness, fill His mind with all the things that you have stored up in Him from your word, bring back to memory all your promises, that he may dwell under the shadow of your Al mightiness and find peace and rest in you alone.That your presence would over shadow all the anxiousness,and replace it with a new song in his heart,in Jesus Name

Praise the Lord He is always with us,always in our presence,He lifts our chins and lightens our load.
Our California Baby Girl,Jewel London soon to be 4 years old
Hard day today,even in that,we can smile and praise Jesus and give much thanks.
Thank you Jesus for our Sons and Daughters and precious grandchildren. I must share these precious babes..
Lord thank you for your continuous mercy and grace over our family.

Our California Famly---Papa Nate--Mama Sidjae---Jewel London

Our Hawaii Babies,Nyah,Sasha,Ella
Our Hawaii family,Papa Ronnie Mama V- Elijah Mosiah 16-Nyah Bless 7-Sasha Blaze 5-Ella Koa 3

Our Hawaii Baby Ella Koa Divine soon to be 3 years old

Our Hawaii Baby Sasha Blaze soon to be 5 years old
Sasha,Nyah,, Dad just cut their hair and left a little topping

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Mr C is 59 years old March 14th 2015 Praise you Jesus......

Yesterday was Mr C's 59th Birthday,what a mile stone this is.......................
we celebrate this day Praising our Lord Jesus Christ for giving Dad this day.
We are privileged to have very sweet friends in our lives,
these Two precious ones blessed us yesterday,preparing Dad a "Birthday lunch",
John "apple seed" Sandifer, Lisa "Loretta Lynn" Sandifer  Mr C,"Captain,Cubby" Cuellar
We are so thankful for the time we were able to have to celebrate Mr C's Birthday,and so Blessed by the kindness and hospitality of these "sweet friends".
May the Lord Bless These two continue to grow them in Christ Jesus,Protect their marriage and draw them greater in to the Holiness of our Lord Jesus Christ.Conforming them in the image of Jesus Christ.

 Mr C was quite "happy,grateful and anxious" at the same time! All tho He seems to be doing good, Looking Good on the outside,there is much going on in the inside of his body, His inner cranial pressure seems to be bringing on some great pain these days,He is becoming more un-comfortable.
He can have a few good nights sleep and then----- only a few hours of sleep.
In those wee hours of the morning when all is quite there is much time spent with the Lord, and this is when battles are won!!!!!
when I wake we talk,-----Mr C will be sitting on the couch, just re-visiting where He has been in the night with the Lord-----I see the work of the Lord in Dad, giving His desire to complete what He has started in Dad,
The Lord is not allowing Dad to have any rest in any area of his life that is not in the "conformity to Christ Jesus",(THIS IS GOOD)(VERY GOOD).
There are areas in our Life that the Lord quickly takes away,when we come into relationship with Christ Jesus------"obvious things,like drinking,smoking,cussing," etc....                                              

The more the "world prevails in" us the more the "Love of God Decays" its an examination we are to do in our Spiritual walk with the Lord---------Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the Faith, test yourself,do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you unless of course you fail the test???????     2 Corinthians 13:5
IF Christ and the finished work He did on the cross is not evident in our life,then we need to examine and test our-self by His word alone!!!!
IF we are "not convicted" by the way we "think,talk,behave,what we watch,participate in,indulge in, there's a good chance the Spirit of God is not in us!!!! John warns us of this,The lust of the eyes,the lust of the flesh, the pride of life.....
The More we desire to be like Jesus the Holy Spirit of God "will not" let us rest in our sin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Lord disciplines His own,He chastens them,His kindness leads us to repentance,we can no longer say: what's the big deal that's nothing!!! in the eye of a Holy Righteous Loving God it is everything...........
Like I said there are things that are quickened out of lives quickly,there are things that we struggle with more,why O Father is this still hanging around! or more than this,O God---- thank you that what I wasn't really conscious of you have now made very conscious """can no longer be"""!!!!!!!

I asked Dad if I could share what the Lord is doing in Him the more personal intimate things, He said absolutely,

Well this is one of the areas the Lord is continuously convicting Dad over and over and over again,and Dad is becoming so broken----
He's talking in conversation and something pops out of his mouth that is "not truth" or "exaggerated".................let's call it what it is... lying------
the Lord is dealing with this in Him and Dad is so grieved,  At the moment he's talking he may not be aware,but then later heavily convicted-------------
He's confessing,just broken that what didn't have great importance, Now does and the Lord is not allowing Him to get away with it!!!!!!!!!!! The Lord is Victorious and we are Praying for Victory over this area of Dad's life! "EXAGGERATION IS LYING"!!!!!
we know the Lord will honor this request.
I see the Lord doing such a good work in my Husband,so much inner soul-heart cleansing, Praise you Jesus---------
You see we have two Natures-----------The Old man the one conformed to this secular world---------the "New Man in Christ Jesus" and these two "fight for position"-------------all our life until we come into relationship with Christ Jesus,we have conditioned the old man so much that now we re-disciple the "new man" to be more like Christ Jesus, we want to "conform to Christ Jesus".
This is pleasing to our Lord, this is why we were created---- for HIS GLORY
Rom 12:2 Be ye not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your minds in Christ Jesus.......this is a daily application,a daily renewing in the word,God gives us a new desire...

I find this so attractive in Mr C, it sets an example,in this home that leads us to Christ Jesus,
It will always offend the Lord most!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And SIN is SIN------------So as we fight with the Battle of the pains of His affliction------- the pains of anything that is contrary to Christ Jesus we pray for Victory daily,that we be made more like Christ,reflecting more of Him in our conversation thought and deeds...... I So Love this Man,thank you Jesus for such a transparent, Humble, Husband........
We go for an MRI on Tuesday March 17th Mr C seems to be at a threshold on His Morphine------30 to 45mg seems to be where we need to stay for now,as His inner cranial pain continues to want to break thru..................
Psalms 141 Set a Guard over my Mouth O Lord, Keep watch over the door of my lips. Do not let my heart be drawn to do what is evil.

If Mr C is brought to thought please pray the Lord would give Him Victory over this area of His Life, and that as we "all" battle" with the things" we know are not of Christ, we quickly run to the Lord in Prayer,confessing,repenting,desiring to not stay in a place the Grieves and offends our Lord Most.
continually help Lord me to hate sin (anything contrary to a Holy God)in my life, that in "all areas"  we desire to be more like Jesus.

The Lord has called us to Holiness, Holiness is what separates us from ALL the things that displeases our Lord....What are in your "thoughts daily"?????? the Lord Knows our thoughts-----------what you think, what "controls your thoughts",is your Idol"----------Beware Christian-------------
You Measure yourself "not" by yourself-------------------you measure yourself "not" by another-----------------------------------"YOU MEASURE YOURSELF BY THE WORD OF GOD"!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mr C is in great pain today, He can not seem to get comfortable,Nausea, Head pain, Eye Pain,
the Lord comforts,and He helps us in our time of need.Bless the Lord for His great Mercy.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Oncology Appt:

Today we went to see the Dr,
We went before the Lord asking some specific requests,
hesitant because of our last visit with the Dr.
It turns out that when we got there the Dr had missed his flight to the Island.

Not a problem because we were able to talk with him over the computer,( like skype.)

As we waited in the waiting room we were able to talk to the receptionist Tina,
she set us up to speak with the Dr,
The Nurse came out and got us her name is also Tina,
Ok this is what is so beautiful about this day the Lord has given us,
He planned this day,
He allowed Dr Andrew to miss his flight, only the Lord knows these things,
so after all Dads vitals were taken, on goes the screen and Dr is on tv----------
He says his hellos, we say ours,
Tina the nurse stays in the room which is a first!!!!!! taking notes,
How are you doing?
Really Good.Feeling good, left side is coming back,able to do more than I had been,
What can I do for you today?
Well as you know we are reducing my morphine intake from 240mg- now to 60mg and would like to know how to continue this to completely come off!
You'll be the better judge of this beings your body will feel the pain! so come off slowly, and if the pain comes back, take your pills, you may be uncomfortable for a few'll know.....
Ok we just wanted to get your professional opinion before we go completely off.
Anything else?
Dad: yes I would like to get an MRI to see if this tumor is shrinking because I feel that I am being healed. I have my bowels back,my left side is coming back, I'm more cognitive, active,and feeling good each day
Why do you think this is?
Its the hand of the Lord upon me,and the power of God,and the prayers over me,it's miraculous!
Dad said what do you think it is?
Said, miraculous!!!!!! Power of Prayer!!!!!
You can have as many MRI's as you need,anything you need you do not to fear to ask me.
We said our goodbyes,and the Nurse was stunned!!!!!
She said she has never seen Dr Andrew Kominsky this way with any patient, Tina is a Believer in Christ Jesus,and shared with us Andrew is a "Jew"
We right then went into Prayer and praised our Lord God---------- all three us us-------------Lord Save this Man!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dad and I left there praising the Lord elated O God you have your appointed times and we Pray Andrew Kominsky's  heart be softened and your Holy Spirit take that heart of stone and give him a heart of flesh, O Father God only by your hand and your spirit can Andrew come into relationship with you.We prayed the Lord Protect him on his flight over here to the island.

The last time we saw Andrew Dad was in a Wheel chair weak,not walking,not coherent, not looking good.and we had asked for an MRI and Dr was not approving, too much money,not interested in monitoring it! He knew Dad's prognosis and said why???????

This Morning:
We asked the Lord specifically that we be able to get an MRI with out resistance-------------there was none,as a matter of fact get as many as you like!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And coming completely off the morphine because of the side effects, Dr Said Dad was past this as he is on such a low dosage.
All Glory to our Lord---------------------------
We are so Blessed to be Children of King Jesus, He has NEVER<NEVER failed us NEVER.......

We Continue to devote ourselves in prayer,being watchful, thanking our Lord for ALL things,
Praying the Lord would open a door for the message of His precious Son Christ Jesus would be shared,
Walking in His wisdom and grace toward those that are without His Spirit, O How I Continue to ask our Lord to never stop Changing us from the inside out,making us more like Himself,that in ALL we say and do "Jesus" is who people see"and are attracted too-----------------Not Ron and Sandie---------------