I called the Dr to renew a prescription for Mr C,and with the Nurse on the phone I let her know that His Left foot,leg and hand had swelled up and were not going down,
She said to get him in to the Dr for fear of blood clots,we have been through this before,
Mr C Had been enduring some great pain for the past few weeks,it takes until about 1-2 in the afternoon before we can get our day started...everything that hurts we have related to His Brain Cancer, and if there were any symptoms the Morphine and Steroids more than likely hid them!!!!!!!!
So went to the Dr and she ordered a ultra sound and a CT scan on His chest and abdomen,to make sure "no blood clots" were n the aorta......
A few days later we get a call from the Dr about 4:30 in the afternoon, they had been calling off and on the whole day and we were missing there calls,finally we were in the house when the Dr called this was on a Friday May 29th.
The Dr said the ultra sound came back negative,Praise the Lord,
She said the CT scan showed what the radiologist are calling "4 masses"
2 on Mr C's left kidney, and 1 on His right kidney, 1 on His colon
she continued to say the ones on the kidneys the Radiologist called "renal cell carcinoma"
Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo We were shocked-------to say the least-----
A Dear Brother of ours came over, Loved on us, brought His guitar,-We had good fellowship Worshiped the Lord in song,prayed over us,
Praise the Lord,for His New Mercies....
Mr C will be seeing a Urologist,Monday June 8th and a Gastroenterology, We will see what can be done,and make decisions from there
Mini slider boar burger-sooooooooo good |
So when a whirl wind comes through, and tosses everything upside down----------
Pray, worship, and know the Lord knew this day would be,Praise the Lord-------that we wont go this one alone either, and get out on the water and enjoy good food!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!