Saturday, November 30, 2013
Friday, November 29, 2013
What a Blessed Day of Thanksgiving
My Precious Mr C taking a 10 min head start up MT Young |
We had a wonderful day In Unto the Lord,
1st Thessalonians 5:16-18
Rejoice always
Pray continually
Give thanks in "ALL"
For this is the Will of God
for you in Christ Jesus.
Live in Jesus Name
Love Mr and Mrs C
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Thursday, October 17, 2013
I Need Thee Every Hour - A Capella Hymn
As we woke this morning Dad woke up in pain, the pain was radiating from the base of his skull to the front of his face, un bearable, I had let the room and when I came out he was gone, he had gone upstairs to bed! This has been his "day time enemy" since Feb-March I knew this was not good for this is the last place He would go if he did not need too!
My Heart sank I just sat in the bed with him, Praying O Father take this pain, have mercy on your child, my husband, Lord is this selfish of me to ask for Dad not to suffer when your Son suffered much for our sake? Lord you made this man and you know every fiber of his being, Lord have mercy on Him this day as you will.
I had nothing in me to call anyone, but on the Lord in prayer,I weeped and weeped before the Lord laying everything aside,giving all that my heart could bear, so that nothing hindered God from hearing my plea--------
I asked the Lord to lay on those hearts He brings us to mind to pray, an hour or so later a good friend calls, I let her know what was going on with Dad and that at this time I just needed prayer request over Dad, she prayed right then on the phone.
I went back up stairs and read the word over my Husband till He fell asleep, He slept all morning until 1pm this afternoon
Our Lord is so kind and Merciful in all His ways an as I sit here writing My husband is out of the bed taking a shower,Only the hand of our Lord Jesus Christ can do this,
Who He is only Glorify s His Mercy to rise a sick man from His bed. Thank you Sweet Jesus, there is no Friend like you. This song say's what I can only sing and claim everyday.
O How our Lord wants us to be fervent ,consistent,tenacious in our thanksgiving and prayers to Him, not to weary us but to exercise us to depend upon Him and Him alone,
Thank you Father for answering prayer so quickly...... thank you saints for lifting us up.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name give glory, for the sake of your steadfast love and
your faithfulness! Psalms 115:1
He must increase, but I must decrease. John 3:30
Why should I feel discouraged, why should the shadows come, Why should my heart be lonely, and long for heaven and home? When Jesus is my portion, my constant Friend is He: His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me; I sing because I’m happy, I sing because I’m free;
For His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.
This an old hymn, with words to sing by-
when we offer praise to God in the midst of pain and problems, it makes our worship all the more precious and valuable in His sight.
Hebrews 13:14-16, "Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise — the fruit of lips that confess his name."
Today, if you're hurting, give a sacrifice of praise to the Lord – Jesus will be gloriously honored because he knows your praise 'cost' something!
"Thus far the Lord has helped us" I Samuel 7:12.
God’s purposes cannot be derailed by circumstances. "He is in control"
We know all too well that none of us know what tomorrow holds, but in reality, none of us even know what tonight holds, while we sleep. It’s unnatural, against every animal instinct in our bodies to release ourselves into that reality,
but God calls us there to that place where He is. “Lose your life and you will find it”, Jesus said.
As life continues and "with it struggles" and with them "hope", we find ourselves losing our grips on the things we don’t even know we are holding so tightly.
And yet, we finally find our rest, secure in arms more capable, more loving, more alive than our own.
Why should I feel discouraged, why should the shadows come, Why should my heart be lonely, and long for heaven and home? When Jesus is my portion, my constant Friend is He: His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me; I sing because I’m happy, I sing because I’m free;
For His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.
This an old hymn, with words to sing by-
when we offer praise to God in the midst of pain and problems, it makes our worship all the more precious and valuable in His sight.
Hebrews 13:14-16, "Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise — the fruit of lips that confess his name."
Today, if you're hurting, give a sacrifice of praise to the Lord – Jesus will be gloriously honored because he knows your praise 'cost' something!
"Thus far the Lord has helped us" I Samuel 7:12.
God’s purposes cannot be derailed by circumstances. "He is in control"
We know all too well that none of us know what tomorrow holds, but in reality, none of us even know what tonight holds, while we sleep. It’s unnatural, against every animal instinct in our bodies to release ourselves into that reality,
but God calls us there to that place where He is. “Lose your life and you will find it”, Jesus said.
As life continues and "with it struggles" and with them "hope", we find ourselves losing our grips on the things we don’t even know we are holding so tightly.
And yet, we finally find our rest, secure in arms more capable, more loving, more alive than our own.
I'm asking for Prayer that the Lord would continue to show himself through Dad and I and that Our Lord Jesus Christ would continue to receive all of the Honor Praise and Glory in our life He has purposed for us to walk out.
That our Lord would continue to open up opportunities for us to exalt His Name high and lifted up.
Pray for me as I continue to be Dad's helper in His hard days, and all of the regular daily tasks.
Help me not to murmur or complain, but to do all of this with much love.
Pray that I would have great patience, gentleness,tenderness,kindness, and much carefulness in all my words and behavior and actions. This is a daily challenge!!!
I struggle each and every day and continue to be a work of mess in progress.
for it is by His sweet gentle kindness that leads me to repentance
for it is by His sweet gentle kindness that leads me to repentance
I ask the Lord to grant me strength to be a godly loving wife each day!
I have to be honest, there are some day's I don't know if I'm coming or going.
I thank Jesus when I fall and fail miserably, He is always there to pick me up,
{and a goooood strong cup of coffee is a treat when I'm all picked up!}
{and a goooood strong cup of coffee is a treat when I'm all picked up!}
Pray for Dad as he has not been feeling well for the past several days.
Pray for increased strength and energy and great comfort!
Dad's Inner cranial pressure is causing head pain and causing some great effects in and through His whole body,much burning on the left side of His face, ear, chest, arm and His whole left side very numb, no energy,very,very tired.
His arm and leg are so numb he does not realize if he hits them and causes himself injury,
so sometimes we can have a "bloody mess"!
{If you could hear me I'm speaking in an English accent} Hummmmmmmmmmm!
Thank the Lord He Helps us weather every storm.
Our Lord's Grace is sufficient today.
We pray that God will pour out His incomparably great riches in Christ Jesus – Pray for increased strength and energy and great comfort!
Dad's Inner cranial pressure is causing head pain and causing some great effects in and through His whole body,much burning on the left side of His face, ear, chest, arm and His whole left side very numb, no energy,very,very tired.
His arm and leg are so numb he does not realize if he hits them and causes himself injury,
so sometimes we can have a "bloody mess"!
{If you could hear me I'm speaking in an English accent} Hummmmmmmmmmm!
Thank the Lord He Helps us weather every storm.
Our Lord's Grace is sufficient today.
the riches of his grace, mercy, and soul-satisfying peace.
Psalm 73:22-27 is a wonderful reminder to keep holding tightly onto the Lord's hand in the months to come:
"I am always with you [God]; you hold me by my right hand. You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will take me into glory. Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."
Well as I did not post this yesterday, Our Lord is always faithful----------Dad woke up with a Joyful heart and a refreshing today Praise you Jesus.
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Oct 4th 2009 4 years ago, Dad was Diagnosed with and inoperable brain tumor
We Praise Our Lord Jesus for these last 4 years since Dad's Diagnosis.
In and through them we have been stretched,stretched,and stretched some more, with good days, hard days, struggles,disappointments, frustrations,sorrow, tested ,tried, refined,tested, tried, refined and more than these,
continually encouraged in our walk and relationship with Jesus looking at His greatness and what it really means to follow Jesus on a day-by-day basis.
Who we truly Depend on greatly,
Who we put all our Trust in,
Who we seek first, And
Who we put all of our Faith In,
Our God has never left us ,forsaken us,
Oh How He has always been faithful to us, fully trust worthy, incredibly kind, beyond generous, always gentle,very patient,
even" in spite of our faithlessness"
even" in spite of our lack of trusting Him fully"
even "in spite of our not fully depending " on Him
Jesus knows the way we will take;
when he has tried us,--- we pray we come out as gold. So that our faith is tested genuine—
He gets all the Glory
No matter what our trial,circumstance, struggle, affliction, hardship, suffering, stubbornness, pride fullness,insecurities,uncertainties. He's still in control!
Each day we understand a little more---The call on our lives to follow Jesus is a summons to lose our life.
"Jesus is more than a Savior who's just begging to be accepted into our hearts".
"He is a King worthy of infinite adoration and surrender of our lives".
when we come face to face with grace, the God of the universe reaches down in the depths of our souls, forgives our sins, and fills us with his Spirit.
The inner transformation that happens when we're forgiven of our sins and filled with the Spirit of God.
Should cause us to think differently. We begin to desire differently. We begin to want what God wants. We begin to live differently. And that's a good thing, because we believe Jesus knows what's best for our life. He Is God-------We should become more intentional about sharing the gospel with people who don't know Christ.
I know where we live is our mission field, some one once said ,
"{persecution only comes with proclamation}",
I know this, I've not yet been thrown in jail, or stoned,but {'Christ has been rejected"}!
Our God has proven Himself to us daily by His presence on and in our life, we wake up, He gives us breath, --- He answers every prayer------we choose not to "diminish" His goodness, His All mightiness, His Beauty, His Greatness, His Holiness, His Living active power upon our lives. Or His testings.
As we apply our thoughts to truths that we know, truths that are given to us in His Word
We fill up our minds with Holy Scripture which renews our mind.
And we begin to apply His instructions on our heart and walk them out.
This is a process that will continue till we see Jesus face to face,
I pray for Dad and I we see God's Biblical perspective, more than a worldly perspective, this takes surrender of our will, letting go of things that are more worldly than Biblical.
It's not an easy road to walk, but it is the only walk we choose In Christ Jesus.
It takes honesty,vulnerability,humility to admit we may have issues here, and yet this is a choice we make to lay down.
In His Kindness it leads us to Repentance.
We don't have all the details of the what's, how, where, when, we do know "who" we follow.
We have no greater friend than Jesus.
Dad is having daily struggles, the reality of His Brain Tumor is showing the effects in his body. God is still in Control
Sunday, September 29, 2013
How Great Thou Art - Acapella Arrangement
My Sweet Cubby
I Love "singing to the Lord, one of my greater passions", it's a sweet way to express how much I love our Lord Jesus----I am amazed at how the Lord gave this young man this ability with His voice to put all these harmonies together------------------Beautiful, Beautiful!
Father God is always in control, He is seated on His Holy Throne, always watching over us, Protecting, defending, ever present, Pouring out His Grace and Mercy fresh daily.
Oh Father may we be abounding in thanksgiving, adoration and praise of WHO you are, help us Oh God to remember that is it from your hand that all good things flow, Help us to have a greater dependence on you.
O Lord, keep us in alignment and agreement with your Word. Help us to apply your truths daily and be so deeply rooted in Christ Jesus, our lives with out a doubt reflect WHO you are in us.
Help us to not be so comfortable that our sight is set on the things of this life !
O Help us Father to minimize our thoughts and magnify the truth of WHO you are O God.
May our loyalty to you Father be more important to us than life itself.
If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory. Colossians 3:1-4
And he said, “Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God.” Acts 7:56
… as it is my eager expectation and hope that I will not be at all ashamed, but that with full courage now as always Christ will be honored in my body, whether by life or by death. For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. If I am to live in the flesh, that means fruitful labor for me. Yet which I shall choose I cannot tell. I am hard pressed between the two. My desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better. Philippians 1:20-23
In your precious Son Jesus Name
all is well with my soul. Bless you Lord Jesus
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Mr C
Lately Mr C has been feeling more "rummy"
this is his word" for {"I'm struggling to find my words!, 'cause my thoughts' are not forming to make sense of what I want to say}---------
He's been having headaches more frequent than we like.
He sleeps more these days,we try to get out and walk, but He gets very tired more frequently,
When you see Mr C he looks great,-----------
Hummmmmmmmmmm-----the---- ol----- looks good on the outside-----AWWWWWHA!
Good thing were "not turned inside out"! Eeeewwwwwwwwh!
Any--who, He's not been feeling all that great,
He's all cozy in His chair sitting by a warm fire resting, sleeping, resting,sleeping.
Love to all,
For I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day, Thank you Jesus
2 Timothy 1;12
Friday, September 6, 2013
Thursday, September 5, 2013
40 Days Cruising the Great North West waters
Dad and I thank you and praise you for watching so carefully and intentionally over us.
Each place the Lord allowed us to visit was unique and so different in their own ways.
Out on an Island in the middle of the North West, most only by boat or float plane.
This Chart is one of many,But this starts our trip,From Friday Harbor San Juan Islands into BC.
Nothing is in order but I have put each stop. So much to share,this is just a few pic's from our sweet time on the water.
The Lords Merciful Kind Protective Hands were all over us on this cruise. We met so many wonderful people,and were able to share our Lord Jesus Christ to many.
Met a Chinese Woman Marie,in Refuge Cove, who was waiting for a shower I offered her to go ahead of me and she declined,so I took my shower and she went in after me, well in the middle of her shower the generators shut down, She peeks her head out the door and says, 'NO--W-A-TA- I said yes the power went off and should come back on---she said 'NO--W-A-TA ---HAYR--AW--WET---NEE--W-A-TA
yes its ok------- lights will come back on and you will have water, it's ok I will stay right here until the lights come on............ back up the generators go and Marie was able to finish her shower--------you see refuge cove is run by generators to generate electricity to run water and everything else.
When she came out Dad and I were sitting on the bench just enjoying the view, we all laughed about the incident, we talked and shared the goodness of our Lord, come to find out she was a believer,she shared her life, we hugged and Prayed and hugged and said our good- byes----------we were able to have so many wonderful opportunities like this.
Our only incident on the whole trip was when we were coming out of the Jarvis Inlet heading onto the Malispina channel Our steering went out, we were meeting Peter and Fran to head up on our cruise and just like that "NO STEERING THE WHEEL JUST SPUN ENDLESSLY!" YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I SAID DAD I HAVE NO STEERING,----------WHAT DO YOU MEAN?----------------------------- I HAVE NO STEERING! This Man jumped into action, 1st looking to see if any cables had snapped, the rudder,then the wheel, the bolt had backed out------------------well this man, my husband had every tool but the right one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so he "Migivered" the wheel until we got to Powell river 2 hours away.
Peter had the right socket, Dad put a lock washer on it and we got er fixed. Thank you Jesus!
We just Praised and thanked the Lord for being with us before we got out in the channel.
The Lord kept Dad well the whole trip,I Just thank Jesus for giving us this sweet sweet time, so so many memories,
Peter and Fran were another couple that we spent much time with, This man is 85 Years old Fran is 74.
Traveling these waters for over 40 years, offered to share some of their special places, which allowed us to go into waters we would not have gone.
Learned much from this man about these waters, chart reading, calculating distance, speed, currant,ebb,flow, tides,time to get from one place to the other to hit slack water. We will never forget this adventure with this couple. Amazing----------
Each place the Lord allowed us to visit was unique and so different in their own ways.
Out on an Island in the middle of the North West, most only by boat or float plane.
This Chart is one of many,But this starts our trip,From Friday Harbor San Juan Islands into BC.
Nothing is in order but I have put each stop. So much to share,this is just a few pic's from our sweet time on the water.
The Lords Merciful Kind Protective Hands were all over us on this cruise. We met so many wonderful people,and were able to share our Lord Jesus Christ to many.
Met a Chinese Woman Marie,in Refuge Cove, who was waiting for a shower I offered her to go ahead of me and she declined,so I took my shower and she went in after me, well in the middle of her shower the generators shut down, She peeks her head out the door and says, 'NO--W-A-TA- I said yes the power went off and should come back on---she said 'NO--W-A-TA ---HAYR--AW--WET---NEE--W-A-TA
yes its ok------- lights will come back on and you will have water, it's ok I will stay right here until the lights come on............ back up the generators go and Marie was able to finish her shower--------you see refuge cove is run by generators to generate electricity to run water and everything else.
When she came out Dad and I were sitting on the bench just enjoying the view, we all laughed about the incident, we talked and shared the goodness of our Lord, come to find out she was a believer,she shared her life, we hugged and Prayed and hugged and said our good- byes----------we were able to have so many wonderful opportunities like this.
Our only incident on the whole trip was when we were coming out of the Jarvis Inlet heading onto the Malispina channel Our steering went out, we were meeting Peter and Fran to head up on our cruise and just like that "NO STEERING THE WHEEL JUST SPUN ENDLESSLY!" YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I SAID DAD I HAVE NO STEERING,----------WHAT DO YOU MEAN?----------------------------- I HAVE NO STEERING! This Man jumped into action, 1st looking to see if any cables had snapped, the rudder,then the wheel, the bolt had backed out------------------well this man, my husband had every tool but the right one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so he "Migivered" the wheel until we got to Powell river 2 hours away.
Peter had the right socket, Dad put a lock washer on it and we got er fixed. Thank you Jesus!
We just Praised and thanked the Lord for being with us before we got out in the channel.
The Lord kept Dad well the whole trip,I Just thank Jesus for giving us this sweet sweet time, so so many memories,
Peter and Fran were another couple that we spent much time with, This man is 85 Years old Fran is 74.
Traveling these waters for over 40 years, offered to share some of their special places, which allowed us to go into waters we would not have gone.
Learned much from this man about these waters, chart reading, calculating distance, speed, currant,ebb,flow, tides,time to get from one place to the other to hit slack water. We will never forget this adventure with this couple. Amazing----------
Just made it through the Malibu Rapids! Chatter box falls Princess Louisa our 8th stop |
I was calm the whole way through! Hump! Believe me? |
Princess Louisa (Chatter box falls) |
Expressing how Grateful the opportunity to witness Our Lord Jesus beautiful Handiwork |
In Awe (Father God you are so Beautiful) |
Our First day at the falls, |
Walkway to falls and trappers trail |
Base of the powerful fall |
!st view of the waterfalls |
Cordero Marina Way up North our 16th Stop Cordero channel |
the "ways" in Batgate and old way of hauling boats |
Bathgate Marina Old Marina we loved it here |
Bathgate store our 7th and 9th stop on the way up to Chatterbox falls and back |
Heading up to Bathgate store |
this is what is looks like for a boat being hauled out on the "ways" |
Blind Channel Resort our 14th Stop |
Mr C, My Man |
this is our Humble Sonja Ann, we lived in her for 40 days |
Hummmmmmmmmmm what to do! |
Well I outa! |
Posing |
Breakfast |
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh So Cute Mr C |
Shoal Bay our "15th stop" |
Squirrel Cove---across the water way from refuge cove our "12th Stop" |
Another favorite spot. Our "11th Stop" |
Secret Cove a Hidden Secret our "5th Stop" |
Maple Bay "17th Stop" |
Maple Bay House Boats so beautiful |
Oleos "13th Stop" |
This was a place we stayed for 5 days up in Fredrick Arms Oleos |
Oleos can only get here by boat. We ate dinner here for $25 + Moorage. Paul made dinner for 9 and you had your choice of Duck,Ribs,Chicken,Pork Chops, Salad ,Home made bread and your own chocolate cake to take back to your boat. |
The yellow are the places we stayed,also the circle in Black that is the farthest we went North about 150 miles more or less |
Nanaimo was where we crossed the Strait of Georgia over to Secret Cove, then to Pender Harbor up the Agamemnon Channel to Skucumchuck to Bath-gate then up the Jarvis inlet which are many reaches: Prince of whales,Princess Royal, Queens Reach, Princess Louisa |
Dent Lodge |
Made it through the Yucula Rapids and dent rapids |
These are Yuculta Rapids, SW of Stuart Island you want to make sure you look at the current, tide, and go through only at slack water,when the current halts its flow in one direction and readies to storm the other. |
Salt Spring Island |
A Yummy Garden Burger |
Another beautiful marina Genoa Bay our "18th stop" |
Friends from Cowichan, Goats on the roof that's their home they keep the grass cut! |
Cowichan---Vintage Ice cream truck |
Cowichan ---Old Orphanage |
Pender Harbor |
Port of Sydney Marina Our "1st Stop" to check into Customs |
Ganges Salt Spring Island "2nd Stop" |
Salt Spring Farmers Market, fun, fun, fun |
Cowichan our last stop before coming Home. Our "19th Stop |
Dad, Don and Sharon enjoying an Ice cream our Cowichan Friends |
Lady Smith Marina our "3rd Stop" |
Dodd Narrows, a very narrow entry to get to Nanaimo our 4th stop |
Nanaimo, BC our 4th stop |
Peter and Fran a Couple we met, that guided us up to our farthest destination Fredrick Arm---Oleos |
Powell River,West view Marina our "10th Stop" Peter and Fran leading the way in. This Man is 85 years old Shes 74 and she is His eyes, He is practically blind but has a sense about Him operating this boat He's owned it for 40 years. Incredible opportunity the Lord gave us allowing our paths to cross. We Pray they come into relationship with Jesus Christ. |
Peter 85 years old |
He's not scared is he! He just had a bird! |
Babpipes on the docks of Refuge cove |
Peter and Fran |
A walk in the Park |
Goats on the roof |
Blind Channel Resort back in the middle of nowhere! Our "14th Stop" |
Today My Man Sleeps as I blog it's "Steroid day", and "Steroid Day" always kicks His butt!!!
Makes Him Rummy, Very Sleepy. But wakes up with a smile on His face.
Know therefore that the Lord thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations;And repayeth them that hate him to their face, to destroy them: he will not be slack to him that hateth him, he will repay him to his face.
Deuteronomy 7:9,10
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