We Praise our precious Jesus Christ, for His continual hand over our lives,
Last night Dads headache the pressure was so bad, All I could do is pray and ask the Lord to "dissipate" the pain, Dad was upstairs in prayer asking the same, When I went up to check on him I asked him how he was feeling and He said It's "dissipating"! When we live in the Joy of life in companionship with our Holy Perfect Father God, we enjoy the benefits now and eternity! My Man woke up today and said {"I'm still here"}! Thank you Lord for another day! He's feeling good! "PRAISE YOU JESUS"!
Keep me safe, O God, for I have come to you for refuge. I said to the Lord, "You are my Master!
Every good thing I have comes from you". Psalms 16
We belong to you Lord Jesus, you hold our hands when we feel so weak,you guide us with your wisdom and counsel, always leading us to your glorious destiny,
who have we in Heaven but you? We desire you more than anything on earth, who can touch us so quickly? You O God! you are seated on the throne, high and lifted up, you watch and examine us intently, you bend your ear to hear our prayer, you O God are our great comforter!
Our health may fail, and our spirit may grow weak, But O God you remain the strength of our heart; forever, we bless you Precious Lord.